富贵山庄(新加坡) (Fu Gui Shan Zhuang) 最新优惠价格,包括新的骨灰福位(单人位,双人位,家庭位),神祖牌,殡葬服务配套,祖先搬迁,等等。
Nirvana Singapore
Live Well. Plan Well. Leave Well.
Suite 92迎福阁 骨灰位内部设计
Suite 92迎福阁 骨灰位内部设计
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: 高达$9,000 (单人) / $20,000(双人位). OFF [限时*]
  • 特点: Suite 92(迎福阁)是预购新骨灰殿, 将在2025年2月28日建成。骨灰殿拥彌勒佛坐镇,整洁与光亮的空间,让人感觉舒适。
富贵山庄 H502 法悦阁
富贵山庄 H502 法悦阁
H502 法悦阁 门板设计
H502 法悦阁 门板设计
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: 高达$8,500 (单人) / $20,000(双人位). OFF [限时*]
  • 特点: H502 (法悦阁) 在2024年1月4日推出。骨灰殿拥净瓶观音坐镇,整洁与琥珀色的空间,代表高贵,大方,温暖,祥和。净瓶观音手持净瓶与杨枝,洒下清澈的甘露。观音的慈悲与智慧带来宁静与安稳, 洗净众生深重的烦恼和消灾除病。
H512 是新建成的富丽堂皇骨灰殿, 价钱属中高端
H512 是新建成的富丽堂皇骨灰殿, 价钱属中高端
H503 骨灰塔设计优美, 价钱合理
H503 拥有骨灰位和神主牌在同一个骨灰殿
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: 20%. 
  • 特点: 这是新建B座的高级骨灰安置殿。H512 是以富丽堂皇为设计价钱属中高端。H503以银白为主,少数的内有骨灰位和神主牌在同一房间。
富贵山庄骨灰殿 Suite 89 - (迎瑞阁)
富贵山庄骨灰殿 Suite 89 - (迎瑞阁)
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: 单人位 : $9,000 OFF / 双人位: $15,500 OFF[限时*]
  • 特点: 这骨灰殿拥有佛祖神像和舒适的座位。灵骨塔独特的设计包括法轮常转、净除一切业障、具有不可思议之功德利益。
富贵山庄骨灰殿 S85 (迎莲阁)
富贵山庄骨灰殿 S85 (迎莲阁)
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: 单人位 : $6,500 OFF / 双人位: $11,500 OFF / 神主牌: $6,000 OFF [限时*]
  • 特点: 这是富贵山庄少数拥有骨灰位和神主牌在同一个房间的骨灰殿
S93 慈航阁 内有千手观音
Suite93 慈航阁
93 慈航阁 单人骨灰位
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: 单人位 : $2,500 / 双人位: $3,000
  • 特点: 骨灰殿中央有千手千眼观音菩萨,而每一个福位里面都有专属的一尊观音菩萨。
Nirvana Singapore 富贵山庄 Suite 90 迎念阁
Suite90 迎念阁
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: 单人位 : $1,000 / 双人位: $2,500
  • 特点: 无宗教限制骨灰位,适合任何宗教。
迎孝阁 家族位
迎孝阁 家族位
迎孝阁 家族位 神主牌
迎孝阁 家族位 神主牌
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 特点: Block C (聚福殿)最新的家庭式骨灰位,可容纳12个骨灰瓮。
富贵山庄神主牌S86 如鑫阁
Suite86 如鑫阁神主牌
  • 最低价钱: 联系我们
  • 优惠折扣: $500.
  • 特点: 聚福殿里最新的神主牌圣殿,内有地葬佛360°转动,为所有殿内的神主牌祈福。
Based on 21 reviews.
Toh Eng Sing
Toh Eng Sing
Sharmaine Kan
Sharmaine Kan
Excellent service provided by Keh Sin and her team from Nirvana. Very professional and helpful in arranging and planning for Kong Teck Ceremony. Thank you Keh Sin and her team. 👍🏻
chip munks
chip munks
Kexin is always sincere and helpful. She is well organised as I believe customer service is her top priority because even when she is busy she will delegate one of her colleagues to assist me. To make sure whenever I need help, there’s someone to be by my side to support me. I feel very much appreciated 🙏🏻 I am thankful that I had met her
Ansel Ng
Ansel Ng
We would like to thank Keh Sin from Nirvana for their sympathy and professionalism during this painful process. The customer service experience we had with them was simply second to none—brilliant. From the initial phone call to the end of the process, everything was reassuring and professional. Thank you for the first class service.
Yiwen Huang
Yiwen Huang
Peaceful and spacious environment Good to do pre planning early Good service by kehsin 🙂
Yan Ling
Yan Ling
第一次接触富贵山庄,发现跟想象中的很不一样。环境非常清幽舒适。 可欣非常专业很友善,她非常耐心地跟我解释殡葬仪式的细节,也乐于回答我所有问题。谢谢你可欣!
Shirley Tan
Shirley Tan
h p low
h p low
I engaged Nirvana Garden @ Old Chua Chu Kang to do a Chinese customary rituals for my ancestors and deceased parent and deceased siblings last month. This rituals required couple of months of advance preparation. Ms Ang Keh Sin from Nirvana Garden was assigned to handle the job. She met up with me several times to check my requirements and provided me with very detailed information to all questions I asked. On the day of the rituals, she led a team of staff standing by at site to offer assistance to my family and relatives attending the event all day long. I am very satisfied and impressed with the professional services rendered by Ms Ang during the whole process. Also those monks engaged to perform the chanting service were serious and executed well. The whole set up at the site was impressive. The air conditioning event hall was large and comfortable for our crowd of 40 people. The rituals was a success. A Big thank you to you, Ms Ang and to Nirvana Garden.

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